My Journey to a Healthier Me

I don’t normally eat very well, and I definitely haven’t had a regular exercise routine in a very long time.  A few months back, my cousin Rhonda who was in the middle of a weight loss journey herself, started a blog about it.  Now, I should tell you that I used to be a dancer, so I was once very fit and healthy as well.  But of course, I slowly grew out of all my healthy habits as I finished high school and began college.  I slowly stopped working out.  I slowly started eating worse and worse. It never really got too out of control, but I definitely was not feeling well at all.  

So, she started this blog (inspired by my blog) and I started reading it.  Something started to spark in me that hadn’t been there for quite awhile.  I was very busy at the time, going to school, finishing up the semester, and working a lot of hours as a manager at my job.  Completely revamping my entire lifestyle that moment was not exactly ideal.  And that was ok!  Honestly, jumping in too fast only sets you up for failure anyways.  So I took it slow.  I started walking to class.  I slowly started making healthier choices.  I eventually started finding time to go for hour-hour and a half long walks.  It felt really great to start doing something good for my mind and body.  After about a month of making those small changes, I could already notice my stomach was much flatter and my arms and thighs were slightly slimmer.  Mind you, these were very small changes added to my daily life.  

After a month of doing that, I moved to the cities (where I live now).  I now have a fitness room, a pool, and a sauna.  I started the same, I went for short walks and was making small changes in what I put into my body.  Almost immediately, I was in that fitness room, using the elliptical, lifting small hand weights to tone my arms, and all of the other fun machines they have available!  I recently have started getting into intervals of swimming laps in the pool and warming up in the sauna.   It’s a pretty great feeling afterwards!  

Most recently, I have discovered yogaX.  I have not tried any other P90X workouts yet, and I may.  But for now, I am doing yogaX.  I have done it twice now.  Tonight I did it and two nights ago I did it as well.  The first night started out pretty manageable and grew more difficult as it went on.  Some poses, I could barely hold but I pushed hard!  If I fell, I got right back into the pose.  If I shook, I would try hard to clear my mind and calm my breathing to steady myself.  It felt great!  This morning I was extremely sore!  I went at it again tonight and my muscles were so sore I felt the need to sit in the sauna and warm up my muscles before beginning.  When doing deep stretches like these, you definitely don’t want to feel cold or tense.  After my second round of yogaX, I am feeling really great!   Immediately after my workout, to fuel my body and benefit from my hard work I made a light snack.  Apples and peanut butter.  It was so delicious!

Protein is key when trying to gain muscle and lose weight!

I still don’t always eat healthy, and that is something I’m working on.  Working with the budget of a college kid, it’s hard to always make the best decisions about food.  Sometimes at the time, a $2 meal at Taco Bell is all I feel I manage.  For both price and convenience.  But I am making a conscious effort to eat better.  Today I drank a banana and almond milk smoothie for breakfast and I also made deviled eggs with a healthy twist.  I can definitely share the recipe for that in a separate blog.  They tasted very good!

I plan to continue on this new healthy lifestyle journey. I am feeling good and could not be more excited about it! 🙂


Happy Fitness!!!